Prayer Fashions Man


Frithjof Schuon on the Spiritual Life

Frithjof Schuon on the Spiritual Life

“In this finely selected anthology the editor takes us to the very heart and soul of Schuon’s message, bringing to light the ‘categorical imperative’ of prayer that underlies the whole corpus of Schuon’s works and without which, those works would remain merely theoretical. To read this book is to feel the irresistible at­traction of prayer, Schuon’s reflections on the spiritual life being suffused with an alchemical power that can arise only from a consciousness rooted in the Object of prayer. What Schuon has experienced he conveys, and in so doing galvanizes our own aspirations for ‘the one thing needful.”

–Reza S Kazemi


“In this superb volume Cutsinger masterfully presents Schuon’s most magisterial passages on the interior life and the soul’s relation to God. His inclusion of previously unpublished letters is a coup that reveals another side of Schuon, a tenderness that places the sage’s adamantine intellectual style in a surprising new light.” – Philip Novak


In this remarkable book Schuon, attentive doctor of the soul, exposes the soul’s sophisms and denounces its weaknesses while honoring all the modalities of the inner life, from the simplest to the most vibrant, from personal prayer to the most elevated form of quintessential orison.