BORDERLANDS OF THE SPIRIT- Reflections on a Sacred Science of Mind
This work consists of three distinct parts. Part One is concerned with the primary faculties of knowing, including the direct and spontaneous knowledge obtained through the intellect, the analysis of knowledge through the faculty of reason, the synthesis of knowledge through human intelligence, and a heart knowledge that unites the knowledge of God with human sentiments and higher emotions. Part Two deals with the broad field of human perception as it is experienced through the prism of spiritual imagination, sacred sentiments and the insights of the soul. Part Three reflects upon the rarefied “energy” generated by the higher faculties that expresses itself as a force field of spirituality within the life of a person.
“The dethroning of the intellect and reduction of the ‘heart’ to the seat of sentiment, or even worse, to a mechanical pump has reduced the status of contemporary man to little more that a clever animal. Herlihy’s book provides us with a genuine light out of the tunnel of darkness into which modern ways of thinking have led us.” –R. P. Coomaraswamy
“This is perhaps the best exposition of traditional cognitive psychology to have appeared in recent times. It is also a major contribution to the contemporary discourse on religion and science.”
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