Edward William Lane
It is the most scholarly dictionary of the Arabic language available. Since its publication Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon has remained unequalled. It is a product of over thirty years of unrelenting labour; a work of such unique greatness that, since its first appearance almost 150 years ago, it has remained to this day supreme in the field of Arabic lexicography. No scholar or group of scholars has produced anything to supplant it. As it originally appeared and was later reproduced, the lexicon consisted of eight large, cumbersome volumes, which made it difficult to use. Now, for the ‘first time, Suhail Academy has, with no loss whatsoever of clarity or legibility, brought together the eight large volumes, with all the materials relating to the life and works of E. W. Lane, into two compact volumes. It is now possible to keep the Lexicon on the work desk and refer to it with ease. This marvellous work in its fullness and richness, its deep research, greatness and simplicity of arrangement far transcends the Lexicon of any language ever presented to the world.
“It is a work of such fundamental importance and of such matchless excellence that praise for it is quite superfluous. Every Arabist since Lane has had good cause to bless him for his superhuman labour. It is certainly true to say that every work produced in this century relating in any way to Arabic studies has drawn heavily upon the Lexicon.” — A. J. Arberry
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